Growing a Culture of Learning (Part 3) – Trust
Trust is key.
To invest effort, learners of any age need to
- feel safe to take risks and fail
- believe that you have their interests at heart
- see evidence of assessment results being used to move their learning forward
Trust is gained when learners see that you believe in their abilities enough to provide
- opportunity to take risks
- opportunity to fail
- feedback they can use to improve and grow
Trust starts by building relationships. What do you know about each learner as an individual? Setting aside time to share personal stories is a way for all the learners to gain knowledge about each other (& you!) to help foster trust.
Establishing time for 1:1 check-ins is a way to learn about the student personally and academically.
Building trust virtually might also mean that some work is . . .
- anonymous
- asynchronous
- done with a partner
Trust looks different when we can’t see everyone all the time. What’s one aspect of trust in a virtual environment that is challenging?
Common goals help build trust. What might be a common goal for the learners in your group?
Translating trust building to a virtual environment takes planning, just like it does in a physical classroom.
Fostering a Strong Community in a Virtual Classroom
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